Sunday, February 27, 2011


So I'm not sure that anything really productive comes from  discussion about and reading of an article like "White Privilege." At least among the people it is complaining about, anyway, because its tone and generalities make the author's offenders defensively think of all of our personal exceptions to each of the crimes on the list.

For this blog, I first thought about listing all of my personal experiences that have been exceptions to the list and how the list makes assumptions about some things and how I couldn't relate to some of the things on the list at all, etc.  But, I have this feeling that that is what the author wants me to do, then she will tell me why I'm wrong for feeling that way.  And I don't feel like playing that game right now.

In the article's first paragraph, McIntosh reports that men say that they will work to support women's advantages "but they can't or won't support the idea of lessening men's."  Really?? How shocking!! Since I can't think of any examples myself, please remind me of any group of people, of any race, in the history of mankind that worked to truly lessen their own power. 

I just doubt that articles like this are going to have much effect on a true re-distribution of power because they don't inspire the people who need to change, they just aggravate.

 And that's how Susan  "C" 's it.

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